Early childhood

LOGO_EarlyChildhood_716x403.jpgThe HOPE Foundation Board and HOPE Team are working on a third strategic focus area, Early Childhood. A subcommittee is now in place with working groups for each of our three pillars: parental confidence, youth resilience, and childcare center quality. Each group is researching their area with community subject matter experts and will create funding strategies, in addition to education and engagement opportunities, for our Associates and the broader community.


Parental confidence

All parents need support. We seek to enhance parents’ skills and normalize family-strengthening programs.

Youth resilience

All youth can thrive beyond adversity when they have coping skills of resilience. We aim to nurture all youth in their capacity, skills, and abilities to overcome and adapt to life’s challenges.

Childhood center quality

Safe, professional, and enriching childcare is critical from newborn to school age. We support childcare center educators in their continuing education requirements needed to maintain pace with trauma-informed strategies and to enable sustained professional certification.