Our vision for becoming a better corporate citizen starts upstream within our supply chain and continues through the use of our products.
Our supply chain is quite diverse, and includes hundreds of suppliers who provide critical materials for the manufacture of our products – from copper bars to computer boards, and from sheet metal to machined consumables. We recognize that choosing like-minded partners who are also committed to reducing their environmental impact and improving the lives of their employees and community – while growing a profitable business – is staying true to our values and key to our ongoing business resilience and strength.
We share expectations and plans with our supply chain partners through scorecards and discussions. We now follow a fully integrated process for supplier performance that combines background, partnership, quality, delivery, environmental sustainability, and social/community sustainability measures into a single supplier scorecard. In 2015, we hosted our inaugural Supplier Sustainability Summit at our headquarters in New Hampshire to enable face-to-face sharing of best practices.
Through this ongoing initiative we want to learn from our supply chain partners, and we also want to facilitate the sharing of best practices. Everybody wins: Sustainable companies making more sustainable products in more sustainable ways are proven more likely to succeed in the long term.