Media inquiries

For over 55 years we have been committed to making the world's best industrial cutting solutions resulting in the accumulation of a lot of expertise. Our expert roster covers all things having to do with cutting. Whether you're writing a story on plasma, laser, waterjet, motion controls, CAM software, robotic software, or something else, we have an expert that can help to answer your questions. And our expertise doesn't stop there. Hypertherm Associates experts lead the way in many different areas including corporate social responsibility, Lean manufacturing, six sigma principles, and workplace safety.

If you are a member of the news media interested in setting up an interview with any of our experts, please contact a public relations team member for your region.


North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)

Kristen Clarke


Denise Champagne

Europe, Middle East, Africa

Yvette Leeflang

South America

Tiago Ferraz

Asia Pacific, China

Cherrist Chuah